The Parish Community of Christ the King celebrates the Kingdom of God as followers of Jesus Christ. With our worship centered around the Eucharist, we are inspired by the Father’s love and mercy and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Our primary mission is to respond to our baptismal call to live and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our valued tradition, celebrated through the Sacraments of the Church, inspires all within the Parish family to draw closer together into the Body of Christ.
Our Clergy
Our Team at Christ the King seeks to excel in accordance with the Catholic Church from its wide range of life experience and through following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. From a veteran Canon Lawyer, highly renown priests, to a college professor, the Parish staff at Christ the King is hard at work to serve its community and the Mission of Jesus Christ.

Our History
As one of the oldest standing churches remaining in the Diocese of Dallas boundaries, Christ the King has instilled a rich tradition of reverence and devotion.

At Christ the King, we are blessed with historic and beautiful grounds. Learn more about our School, Community Center, and Church here!
We are so glad to have you with us. We want to get to know you and have you participate to the fullest extent that you can in our parish community.
Register as a parishioner because anonymity just doesn’t suit you.
True Christianity is not for the sidelines, so get involved and join one of our ministries.

Join our Community
We graciously welcome all new parishioners to Christ the King. Give of your “Time, Talent, and Treasure” by joining us for Mass, volunteering in our community, or personally visiting our church. Click here to get involved ⟶
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